Senin, 24 Februari 2020


What is Hitmex?
HITMEX is a world-class blockchain asset exchange with a very high performing order matching engine. This is a next generation crypto asset trading platform that aims to support high leverage and support asset exchanges of up to $ 1,000,000 USD per transaction.

The Hitmex Exchange target conquered all imperfections in the unified and decentralized crypto exchange. We have understood the underlying problem and the target understands the rest later.

This is a very good opportunity, if you are a trader. After you want to make a large number of transactions, you can use this exchange because it is not slow and can reduce time expenditure for this situation.

Hitmex Exchange aims to overcome all the weaknesses in the centralized and decentralized crypto exchange. We have solved the main problem and aim to resolve the rest in the future. Hitmex Exchange will introduce our own token on Hitmex Exchange under the name BMEX. We will do an IEO (initial exchange offer) for BMEX on our exchange too.

HITMEX will safely store 90% of the total funds in the Cold Storage Wallet outside the exchange.
HITMEX will create insurance funds. 10% of their total income will be stored securely in a cold storage wallet and used as insurance funds to ensure that no single user will lose funds in the event of hacking or something unexpected happens.

Affiliate programs help you earn more. Transfer anonymity makes the system secure. Operations in the 24/7 system can be accessed anytime. Investing in digital currency is easy. The reverse transaction gives you a little thought. The nature of digital currency deflation is the main feature.

Decentralization and unmatched speed of currency transfers. Hitmex Exchange aims to revolutionize the way people trade currencies. We want to help people control their investment. Our main goal is to get people to produce more than the other options available. Some important benefits include: Page 6 Decentralization Transaction Investment Options cannot be recovered

Reference Program
- Voting
- Launch board
- Limit Orders
- Market Orders
- Stop - Limit Order

Some important benefits include:
● Affiliate programs help you earn more.
● Transfer anonymity makes the system safe.
● Operations in a 24/7 system that can be accessed anytime.
● Investing in digital currencies is easy.
● Unchanged transactions give you a little thought.
● The deflationary nature of digital currencies is a key feature.
● Decentralization and value of currency transfers that are not appropriate.

Name: HITMEX Token
Symbol: BMEX
Decimal: 18
Total Supply: 1B BMEX
Max Supply: BMB 1B
Circulation Supply: 750M BMEX

1. It's time to overcome the big problem of centralized exchange.  November 28, 2018:
2. Cryptocurrency exchange.
3. Benefits of digital currency trading.

Situs web:


Acerca de
SnapBots es un proyecto para desarrollar una comunidad de bots y humanos que busca mantener un crecimiento sostenible en su camino de desarrollar una economía de Bot. Los SnapBots son bots de aprendizaje profundo impulsados ​​por algoritmos de aprendizaje. Los Bots pueden solicitar ayuda de la comunidad humana para aglomerar sus conocimientos para ciertas situaciones. Este crowdfourcing ayuda a los Bots a aprender extremadamente rápido. La interacción humano a bot nos ayuda a optimizar las condiciones, generar soluciones y mejorar en eso.

Poder de cómputo descentralizado
SnapBots descentraliza el proceso de aprendizaje de los bots en múltiples fragmentos antes de agregarlos en el nivel de origen. Esto asegura que solo los propietarios de Bot tengan la copia final de Bot.

Ecosistema autosostenible
SnapBots tiene una comunidad autosuficiente de Bots. Cada Bot tiene la misión de aumentar las reservas de cifrado y usar los casos de los SnapBots. Por lo tanto, el valor criptográfico de los SNAP puede continuar apreciando.

AI Made Easy
Los bots pueden sentarse encima del protocolo Snap. La propiedad de los Bots y los datos se puede asegurar mediante contratos inteligentes. Estos Bots utilizarán los recursos utilizados dentro y fuera de la cadena para desarrollar la IA que necesitan. Algunas de las funciones que pueden realizar los Bots actuales incluyen Trading, FaceSwap, Wealth Advisory, Recursos humanos y Sentimientos de mercado, etc.

Inteligencia de Multitud
Se pueden construir mejores Bots con SnapBots, ya que nuestra comunidad puede participar en el etiquetado o la capacitación de un Bot. Esto permite a los desarrolladores y propietarios de los Bots acceder a una reserva invaluable de expertos que entrenarán a sus Bots. La multitud ayudará a nuestros Bots a ser más sabios e inteligentes en menos tiempo.

SnapBots Economy
Los SnapBots son sistemas cibernéticos de inteligencia artificial diseñados para ayudar a todos a trabajar mejor
Los SnapBots se crean en el Protocolo Snap. Dichos Bots podrán construir IA con recursos compartidos. Current Bots puede ayudar a sus usuarios en Trading, FaceSwap, Wealth Advisory, Human Resource y Market Sentiments.
Con más SnapBots desarrollados utilizando nuestro protocolo, tendremos más proyectos y casos de uso para nuestra comunidad.

FaceSwaps Bots
Usando Deepfakes, tenemos la capacidad de representar la replicación realista de personas en videos

Bots comerciales
Los métodos avanzados como el arbitraje y el scalping se realizan mediante bots AI

Bots de asesoramiento patrimonial
Con Big Data, podemos aconsejar cómo se debe gestionar la riqueza de las personas.

Reconocimiento de patrón de gráfico
La automatización de ciertos análisis técnicos es posible mediante el uso de Bots de reconocimiento de imagen avanzado

Sentimientos del mercado
Al dividir las noticias de Internet y procesarlas, podemos tener una buena idea de cómo los sentimientos de los precios

AI Chatbot
La información útil sobre el negocio puede consolidarse y presentarse a los clientes como si fuera un verdadero servicio al cliente.

Bot de carrera
El curriculum vitae se puede recopilar, procesar y utilizar para sugerir trabajos y perspectivas y dirección futuras
Y mucho más
Los desarrolladores e ingenieros están empujando los límites para crear capacidades más allá

Reservas Snap - Reservas Crypto Pool
Snap Reserves es la reserva de criptomonedas de nuestro ecosistema. Están formados por una canasta de criptomonedas como BTC, ETH, LTC y USDT. Estas reservas se utilizan para hacer crecer la comunidad y apoyar el desarrollo de Bots. La moneda criptográfica en las reservas se compartirá por igual entre todos los SNAP si el proyecto SnapBots se detiene algún día.
Snap Reserves es autosuficiente, ya que cuenta con el respaldo de su propia economía. Mantendrá cada SNAP cada vez más valioso a través de su acumulación de cifrado y la disminución de la oferta de SNAP.

Cuando SnapBots genere estrategias rentables para Reservas Snap, el valor general de las reservas criptográficas se incrementará con el tiempo, mientras que los SNAP se reducirán (Quemarán) a través del uso. La retención de tokens puede ganar al tener SNAP más valiosos.

Auto crecimiento
Reserva de grupo para soportar tokens
Múltiples formas de aumentar el monto de las reservas

Mapa vial
Q3 2018
Comenzó el proyecto SnapBots
Cuarto trimestre de 2018
Diseño arquitectónico de SnapBots
Q1 2019
Lanzamiento de papel blanco
Q2 2019
Reservas Snap iniciadas
Q2 2019
Brazo comercial incorporado para la sostenibilidad
Q3 2019
Desarrolla bots AI para un mayor uso
Q4 2019
Construyendo comunidad de comerciantes y desarrolladores
Q1 2020
Desarrollo de aplicaciones para Android e iOS

Dr. Ting Shang Ping
Bernard Ong
Sea Wu
Chen Jun
Feliz silvana
Dr. Minh Sangtran
Ong Lean Wan
Dr. Koh Wee Lit
Dr. Alva Erwin
Dr. Tony Tsang Siu Hon
Assoc Prof Teo Hang Tong Edwin
Gayan Samaranyon
Levon alexandr
Jackson Png
So Kai Tong
Patrick Chen
Dr. Ben Yun
Kenneth Oh

Tan Duong
Donna Lee
Amin Sukiswan

Sitio web: 

Jumat, 21 Februari 2020


The BlockBurn gaming network is an innovative arena for both gamers and gamblers alike. The economy of the platform will run on the BURN token, allowing users to bet their BURN tokens in fun multi-player action shooter battle gaming arenas. Users can also buy into the regular BlockBurn lottery for a chance to win the jackpot!
Our mission is to provide a highly refined and memorable gaming experience, where gambling is not the only important element. The games focus on highly entertaining and engaging gameplay, with stunning graphics, smooth animations, satisfying sound effects and intuitive navigation.
Players are able to customize their characters looks, as well as purchase character upgrades using the BURN token.
The gaming network implements a number of functions which will incentivize and encourage the player to hold and use more BURN tokens, resulting in a fuller gaming experience for the user and contributing to the overall value of the BURN token.

We are working closely together with our closest partner – Dutch Game Studio, the pinnacle of mobile gaming development. Development of the game is underway and will be released by Q1 2021.
The first step in the development process of the mobile game, began with brainstorming themes of the game and it’s function in the BURN tokenomics. Important aspects were considered such as visual appeal, brand building, player retention and value brought to the BURN cryptocurrency. After we had settled on the overall direction and specifics of the game, the gaming team began the development process.
The game will allow us to market into two very separate spaces; mobile gaming and the crypto space. Having the opportunity to cross into both spaces gives BlockBurn a unique advantage, allowing for growth in both industries.
Our marketing will begin and continue throughout development, during this time we will be releasing short teaser trailers as a way of building anticipation and giving the public a sneak peak into what is coming.
Upon the games release we are expecting big growth, at which time our marketing budget will be increased in order to maximise exposure of the game within both the crypto and gaming spaces.

The BURN token is used as a gambling token within the BlockBurn gaming network. It is set to disrupt the online gambling industry by creating a decentralised gaming network, with the BURN token as it’s currency. It will be at the forefront of a new era of online gaming, one that is the nexus between gamers and cryptocurrency holders.
In order for players to participate in multiplayer matches, they must deposit BURN tokens into the wallet address of their gaming app. The funds can be used as wagers in multiplayer matches/tournaments. The winner of each match will win the collected pool of BURN tokens.
In order to support and generate supplementary value to the BURN token, holding more BURN gives you access to bonus features. Upgrades such as special weapons and character styles can be purchased with BURN, players are also able to unlock special characters with BURN. These are some of the ways in which players are encouraged to continue holding their BURN tokens in their account after a big win. Increasing the overall function of BURN within the gaming network will result in less players selling their BURN tokens after a win, but rather putting them back into the game.

The overall global gaming market, was estimated to be worth around $135 billion in 2018. The largest sector of this massive figure is attributed to mobile gaming, estimated at around $63 billion, taking an impressive 47% share.
Mobile is also beginning to dominate gambling, with 70% of gambling transactions now being done online.While mobile gaming and gambling are booming industries, mobile cryptocurrency gambling is scarce. BlockBurn is creating a new and innovation form of mobile gaming and gambling, playing for cryptocurrency in a fun and engaging way.
We will be raising funds through an IEO for the purpose of furthering development and project expansion. Please note that the funds raised are non for profit and will be allocated as follows:
Product development: 50%
Marketing: 20%
Exchanges: 10%
Token buy back (and/or token burning): 20%
The token distribution is layed out as follows:
Community: 45% (Community tokens are comprised as; free traded ‘swap tokens’, airdrops, bounties and future community events tokens)
Reserve: 15% (Future staking,future Airdrop/Bounty)
IEO: 15%
Marketing: 10%
Team: 10% Advisors: 5%

January 2020
Final scope of gaming design
February 2020
Launch of upgrade website
release of MVP
Partnership with gaming company
SBURN Fork & Token Swap
Top Exchange Listing
March 2020
Share Final UI/UX design for menu’s
Start Game Development
May 2020
Share Animation/FX’s
June 2020
Start Crypto API Integration (for Wallet and Transaction)
July 2020
Finisging final UI/ Character builder
August 2020
Dapp release (Android & IOS)
September 2020
Finishing up gameplay part (VS AI)
Start multiplayer integration
October 2020
Implement test result (menu+ gameplay(offline))
November 2020
Finishing up multiplayer integration
December 2020
Implement test result (menu + gameplay(offline))
January 2021
Testing Game with test group ( BURN Community)
February 2021
Publishing first version of BURN GAME